Phillips Sweet Graz IV
Hybrid Sorghum Sudangrass
- Excellent for grazing
- Three-way sorghum sudangrass cross
- Planting rate – 18-20 lbs/acre
- Maximum quality at 24" - 30" tall
- Maximum yield at boot stage
- Economical forage for medium requirement animals
- Very productive winter annual
- High quality pasture, hay, or silage
- Grows later in spring than wheat
- Resistant to most wheat diseases
Phillips Sweet Graz PPS
Photoperiod Sensitive Hybrid Sorghum Sudangrass
- No heads until only 12 hours 20 min. daylength
- Excellent lodging resistance
- Wider harvest window
- Very good regrowth
- Excellent choice for hay, silage, or rotational grazing
- Full maturity
Turnips/Brassica Mixes
- Extremely high forage quality
- Quick establishment/short season
- Low planting cost per acre
- Works well mixed with cereals
- Cold tolerant to 20° F or lower
Phillips Sweet Bal Male Sterile Hybrid Forage Sorghum
- Male sterile - sugars stay in leaves and stalks
- For single cut hay, silage, or cover crop
- Seed at 36 lbs/acre in rows or 4-9 drilled
- Eliminates volunteer if no pollinator nearby
Hairy Vetch
- Cool season Nitrogen-fixing legume
- Cover crop or forage mix component
- Fall planted with rapid growth in May
- Low fertility and moisture requirements
- Not as sensitive to low pH as clover or alfalfa
Wonderleaf Hybrid Pearl Millet
- Use for haying or grazing
- Begin grazing at 24" - 30" tall
- Leave 8" stubble for optimum regrowth
- Plant 1/2" - 1" deep at 8-15 lbs/acre in 70° or more soil
Forage Peas
- Cool season Nitrogen-fixing legume
- Winter pea varieties for fall planting
- Field pea varieties for spring planting
- Works well planted with cereals
- Wide area of adaptation
German "Strain R" Millet
- Use for hay, grazing, or green fodder
- Maximum height 5 feet
- Less nutritious than some other forages
- Seed at 15-20 lbs/acre in 70° or more soil
- Extremely well adapted to Plains Region
- Use mixes to complement cool season grasses and
to build a “forage chain”
- Highest quality and growth when cool season grasses are lowest in quality and production
- Lower fertility needs than cool season grasses
- Warm season Nitrogen-fixing legume
- Mixes well with sorghums or millets
- Great for double crop forage or cover crop
- Very succulent – hay can be slow drying
- Best emergence in 70° or more soil
- Multiple species or blends to adapt to varied environments and soil types
- Produces an abundance of high quality forage
- Mixes well with legumes and forbs
- Relatively long grazing season
- Provides grazing well before native grasses
NOTE: All Phillips sorghums and sudangrass crosses are available with Concep
safener or Concep + insecticide