- Relative Maturity: Early
- Days to Mid-Bloom: 60
- Plant Height: 30-36"
- Head Type: Semi-Open
- Seed Size/Pound: 13-15,000
- Bronze Grain
- Very Good Yield for Maturity
- Strong Drought Tolerance
- Very Uniform Appearance
- Bio-Type C Greenbug Tolerance
| 672
- Relative Maturity: Med Early
- Days to Mid-Bloom: 65
- Plant Height: 38-48"
- Head Type: Semi-Open
- Seed Size/Pound: 16-17,000
- Bronze Grain with Test Weight
- Excellent Yield for Maturity
- Excellent Seeding Vigor
- Strong Drought Tolerance
- High Test Weight
- Bio-Type C, D, & E Greenbug Tolerance
- Relative Maturity: Medium
- Days to Mid-Bloom: 68
- Plant Height: 42-52"
- Head Type: Semi-Open
- Seed Size/Pound: 14-16,000
- Bronze Grain -High Test Weight
- Excellent Yield for Maturity
- Excellent Drought Tolerance
- Very Good Stalk Strength Under Stress
- Bio-Type C & E Greenbug Tolerance
| PSF673
- Relative Maturity: Medium
- Days to Mid-Bloom: 69
- Plant Height: 44-49"
- Head Type: Semi-Open
- Seed Size/Pound: 15,000
- Pale Red Grain
- Great Standability, Even Under Drought Stress
- Yields Well Under Drought Stress
- Exceptional Yield Potential in More Ideal Conditions
- Good Uniformity