- Resistant to Leaf Rust
- Resistant to Stripe Rust
- Resistant to Soil Borne and Spindle Streak Mosaic
- Very Good Straw Strength
- Excellent Yield Potential
Hot Rod is a new hard red winter wheat variety
developed by Kansas State University and
licensed to AGSECO in 2014. It is best adapted
to Central and Eastern Kansas and Oklahoma.
Hot Rod was licensed to AGSECO with the
stipulation that it could only be marketed
as a component of a blend with one or more
other varieties. In three years of yield testing,
Hot Rod is 10% higher yielding than Everest.
Phillips Seed's Management Tips:
- Not the best choice for continuous wheat.
- Better than most against scab, so a decent option to follow corn.
- Plant after the "fly free" date.