- Excellent Yield Potential
- Hedge Against Adverse Yield Environment, Disease, & Insects
- Excellent Landlord’s Choice for Rented Acres
New in 2015, Red Hot wheat blend combines two proven leaders in WB-Cedar and WB-Redhawk with the exciting new variety, Hot Rod. With compatible maturities, heights, and seed sizes, the components of the Red Hot blend compliment each other on many agronomic and disease package characteristics. WB-Redhawk excels in acid soil tolerance, winterhardiness, and fall grazing potential. WB-Cedar is superior at tillering, straw strength, powdery mildew resistance, and septoria leaf blotch resistance. Hot Rod' s strengths are still being discovered, but it is evident early on that it is resistant to Stripe Rust and more resistant to Tan Spot and Scab than the other two components. All three are resistant to Soilborne Mosaic and Moderately Resistant to Stem Rust.
All three Red Hot components are among the highest yielding varieties and, as a blend, widely adapted to all of Kansas and Oklahoma, but especially strong in the eastern two-thirds of both states. Red Hot Blend from Phillips Seed will be an exciting option for wheat producers for years to come.
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