- Resistant to Leaf Rust
- Excellent Yield Potential
- Good Test Weight
- Tolerant to Acid Soils
This newer variety from WestBred looks very promising for central and eastern Kansas. WB-Redhawk is resistant to Leaf Rust, but moderately susceptible to Stripe Rust. Be prepared to apply a fungicide to protect yield potential. An unusually nice looking variety, with medium height and a very even canopy.
Phillips Seed's Management Tips:
- Excellent 2014 KSU yield trials performance in locations within its area of adaptation.
- Control volunteer well before planting and plant after the "fly free" date.
- Spray when Powdery Mildew or Stripe Rust is present.
- Not the best choice for continuous wheat or after corn.
- Keep your eye on this variety - excellent yield potential where adapted.